• Executive coaching
  • Strategy facilitation
  • 360 behavioural assessments
  • Leadership development programs
  • Culture surveys
  • Innovation workshops

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching is a specialist profession, which provides guidance and support in the executive's personal and professional life.

Coaching is different to training, consulting, mentoring and counseling. Coaching focuses on asking questions, raising awareness and challenging the executive, in order to –

  • Build on known strengths
  • Identify unrecognised strengths
  • Uncover blind spots
  • Break through stumbling blocks

Coached executives report greater levels of energy, confidence and achievement. Research shows that the ROI from a professional coaching program is higher than most other forms of professional development.

We are members of the International Coaching Federation and subscribe to the ICF code of ethics. 

We are also accredited by Human Synergistics, to use their LSI-360 degree behavioural tools. 

Call us for a no-obligation meeting, to understand how coaching can significantly lift your people's effectiveness.


It can be lonely at the top. With the relentless expectations of boards, colleagues and staff (not to mention families and friends), senior executives have a lot to deal with today. 

Having someone experienced and independent, who has 'been there' and understands the challenges, is a great way to invest in the development of your key people. 

Mentoring involves a trusting relationship between your nominated executive and a suitable mentor (ideally with diverse experience in CEO roles), to provide guidance, discuss personal development and explore ideas. A good mentoring relationship will -

  • Enhance leadership and management style
  • Build skills in problem-solving, strategic thinking and communications
  • Provide a sounding board for emotional and life balance issues that may be impacting work performance  
  • Improve flexibility, resilience and business maturity 
  • Help align personal ambition and professional growth with the goals of the business and the opportunities available

Culture Audits

Research shows that culture is one of the strongest drivers of business performance. It governs the way people approach their work and interact with each other. Sub-optimal culture invariably leads to sub-optimal business outcomes. 

We can measure your business's culture using the most advanced organisational diagnostic instrument available in the world today, the Organisational Culture InventoryTM (OCI).

The OCI culture audit goes far deeper than a climate survey, which often reveals how people are feeling at a particular time, but fails to identify the underlying causes or solutions. The OCI provides you with divisional and demographic breakdowns, and identifies the 'causal factors' for why your culture is holding back your business performance.

Call us for a presentation on how the OCI can help your business.


Following the GFC, companies focused heavily on cost-cutting and operational effectiveness. Whilst these are important, companies are now realising that to achieve market leadership and differentiation, they must become more innovative and collaborative.

We are accredited in the Synectics product suite of innovation tools. Synectics is a US-based organisation, that has been the thought leader in innovation for over 50 years - see case studies at www.synecticsworld.com.

We work with businesses which want to improve their innovative capabilities. We work with you on your specific challenges and we work with your teams, to train them in the Synectics innovation models. 

Call us to discuss how this approach could help your business.